Articles and shout-outs where WAZA gets mentioned in print and online media.
VISI online, June 2019
In June 2019, VISI Magazine featured WAZA's shichirin as a Father's Day gift idea.
VISI online, May 2019
In May 2019, VISI Magazine featured WAZA's travel diary of a 4,500km road trip we did in Japan in April 2019.
Good Housekeeping, July 2018
In July 2018, Good Housekeeping magazine featured WAZA and our products.
VISI Magazine, 21 June 2018
In June 2018, VISI Magazine featured WAZA products online and we shared some thoughts on why we love Japanese design.
go! / Weg! Magazine - December 2017
In December 2017, the GO! / Weg! Magazine travel editor, Toast Coetzer, listed his Zojirushi flask sourced from WAZA as the best flask he has owned and recommended it as a Christmas gift.
ELLE Decoration, August 2017
The August 2017 ELLE Decoration magazine featured a full page on WAZA garden tools.
ELLE Decoration, 10 August 2017
In August 2017, ELLE Decoration profiled Hilda and Botha - Team WAZA - and highlighted the idea behind the business.
go! Platteland, Autumn 2017
In its Autumn 2017 edition, go! Platteland magazine showcased some WAZA products.